
"I've now had a chance to take a look at the survey drawings in detail and I would just like to say thanks very much for an excellent job. The abundance of information is astounding. I look forward to working with you in future."

Highways Engineer
Portsmouth City Council

Hampshire Land Surveys
Hampshire Land Surveys Hampshire Land Surveys Hampshire Land Surveys Hampshire Land Surveys


How to obtain a quote

In order to supply an accurate quotation we would like the following:

  • A Site Plan or Ordnance Survey extract to determine a sites location and size.
  • A specification indicating the detail required. (see below)

We tailor our costs depending upon clients requirements – whether it is a basic topographical survey or a full garden survey specification.


Survey Specification

Click here to view our ‘Topographical survey specification sheet’.

Specify scale, contours, tree canopies and any other details which are important to you.  (print and send it to us for a quotation).